[LMD organizes] IPSL Polar Day

On 9 December, to launch the IPSL Polar Working Group (WG), the IPSL Polar Day was held, co-organised by Amaëlle Landais (LSCE) and Étienne Vignon (LMD) and carried jointly by a small group of IPSL researchers. The aim of this Polar Working Group is to create and strengthen links and synergies around polar science at IPSL, particularly to prepare for the International Polar Year in 2032-2033.
The first part of the day was devoted to a general presentation of the polar research themes and activities carried out by each laboratory (GEOPS, METIS, LATMOS, LISA, LMD, LOCEAN, LSCE).
This was followed by a presentation of the IPSL Polar Working Group and an overview of the national (IPEV and INSU presentation) and international polar research context (presentation of the International Arctic Science Committee – IASC and the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research, SCAR).
The afternoon was devoted to small-group discussions on the following topics:
– The scope of this new WG and how to strengthen polar synergies within the IPSL
– Training in polar sciences
– Communication and mediation around polar science
– Sustainability and resilience of polar science
At the end of the day, a number of federative actions were decided upon, such as the organisation of thematic days to prepare for the International Polar Year and the organisation of a summer school on polar sciences.