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[LMD organizes] LMDZ Training 2024-2025

The 14th LMDZ training course, collectively organised by the LMDZ team, was held on 10, 11 and 12 December. These 3 days of training alternated between presentations on the content and operation of the model, presentations on the type of scientific studies carried out with the model and practical sessions to learn to handle the model and set up simulations. This annual training course brings together doctoral and post-doctoral students as well as researchers and engineers from France and abroad.

LMDZ is an atmospheric general circulation model developed since the 1970s at LMD, with terrestrial and planetary versions (Mars, Titan, Venus, giant planets, exo-planets).

The terrestrial version is the atmospheric component of the IPSL’s ‘Earth System Model’, which is actively involved in the climate change projections made ahead of the IPCC reports.

Since 2019, LMDZ has been labelled an INSU ‘Code Communautaire’ national service, and is led by Laurent Fairhead (executive and technical manager) and Frédéric Hourdin (scientific manager).

Table of Contents