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B-BOP (for Balloon-Borne Ozone Photometer) is an instrument that measures ozone during stratospheric superpressure balloon flights. Figure Bbop: B-BOP mechanical structure integrated on the Strateole-2 science gondola, Zephyr.

The instrument made its first flights in 2010 during the Concordiasi campaign in Antarctica and contributed to the first Lagrangian measurements of the ozone destruction rate.
B-BOP is a UV photometer that works in the Hartley band of ozone (at 250 nm). The challenge of the instrument was to miniaturize it enough to make it compatible with the constraints of superpressure balloon flights.

Reference :

  • Schofield, R., L. M. Avallone, L. E. Kalnajs, A. Hertzog, I. Wohltmann, and M. Rex, First quasi-Lagrangian in situ measurements of Antarctic Polar springtime ozone: observed ozone loss rates from the Concordiasi long-duration balloon campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 2463-2472, 2015. DOI:

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