LMDZ is an atmospheric general circulation model developed since the 1970s at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, with variations giving terrestrial and planetary versions (Mars, Titan, Venus, giant planets, exo-planets). (LMD is the acronym of the laboratory, the “Z” of LMDZ is for “zoom”).
LMDZ is an atmospheric general circulation model developed since the 1970s at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, with variations giving terrestrial and planetary versions (Mars, Titan, Venus, giant planets, exo-planets). (LMD is the acronym of the laboratory, the “Z” of LMDZ is for “zoom”).
In its terrestrial version, LMDZ is the atmospheric component of the “Integrated Climate Model” of the IPSL, whose development is coordinated by the “modeling pole” and which is involved in the huge international research effort on future climate evolution.
On the planetary side, versions of LMDZ have been developed largely in connection with the space exploration of the solar system, and more recently with the search for extra-solar planets.
LMDZ is first and foremost a research tool. A recurring concern in the development of LMDZ is to privilege lightness and flexibility.
A constant work is carried out on the evaluation of the climatic performances of the model. LMDZ also allows the simulation of satellite observations (RTTOV, ISCCP, CALIPSO …) and it can be used in semi-operational mode: real-time or non-real-time guided zoomed versions, pollutant transport and retro-transport, etc.
Since 2019, LMDZ is labeled INSU national “Community Code” service (you will find here a description of the INSU labeled services).